So I am sitting at my desk eating lunch and wanted to just get my mind off work (I have a conference call in 15 minutes) and I logged onto my blog to check out what some of my friends have blogged about recently. Guess what, nothing! I mean nothing since the weekend snow. Now I know you people have something interesting to tell the world so go ahead and BLOG it! I have 15 minutes to devote to non-work and I can't find anything today! This day will go down in history (I hope) as I know the next time this occurs there will be lots of interesting things out there for me to check out! I plan to post more now since I am sure you feel the same about me, deal?
You post more and I will post more!
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5 months ago
HA! I have a lot to say but no time or energy to say it right now. G woke up with a 103.9 fever and we stayed home today. :o(
He got a flu booster yesterday and a Prevnar vaccine and I think it is a side effect of those. boo.
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