We arrived safe and sound in Alabaster yesterday afternoon after a pretty good cmaping weekend. It did indeed rain most of the time but the lady at River Rats was kind enough to let us camp under a pavilion that is in the process of being renovated into a bunk house. Here is a pic of our sleeping arrangements:

and yes this last picture is a tent, well kind of, it is a hammock that Travis sleeps in and it even has it's own rain fly.....weird I know (I am pretty sure I told him that several times). But he claims it is the most comfortable place to sleep ever and he would hang it in his house if he could figure out how!
and Travis taking a little swim>>>>>>
It was amazing and scary as hell all at the same time just to watch! I can't image actually being in that boat... 


So on to the river, Travis and Jason went paddling down the Tellico Saturday and Sunday. The rest of us stuck around camp Saturday during the rain but ventured out into what turned out to be a beautiful day Sunday to watch them.
This is what they did:

Here are a few other random pics from the trip:

PS: More pics at http://picasaweb.google.com/lcturner78
of course you had to post the pics of my swim! =-P
You never had a doubt in your mind that I would post that picture, no did you?
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