Cutler is officially signed up for soccer and he starts next Thursday. I realized yesterday that my child has NO tennis shoes and they need those to play indoor soccer. Now most of you know that my son LOVES shoes with all his heart. he is the only 2 year old boy I know that has at least 5 pair of shoes in his closet at all times. He not only loves shoes but he is very particular about them and has to pick them out himself. Now when I take him shoe shopping it usually takes at least 30 45 minuts for him to pick out a pair of shoes and last night was no exception. he started out with 14 pair of shoes lined up on the floor, I told him some of them were not soccer shoes so he put those back. We finally narrowed it down to three pair, he tried those same three pair on THREE different times. I swear, it has to be like having a girl! Here is the result of our shopping trip:
For the record, these shoes are actually blue and orange, not pink and black...sorry that is what you get with a crackberry camera.
Nice kicks huh???
Now for the teeth part. Cutler had his first dentist appointment this morning and it went wonderful. Now last night during our hour long shoe shopping trip we discussed what was going to happen at the dentist in great detail and by the time he went to bed last night he was excited about going. He woke up this morning ready to go.
If there was ever any doubt he was your mini me, it should be wiped clean by the shoe shopping. I can't believe how big he is! It's been way too long since I saw him last.
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