Do you ever remember times of boredom, when you just had absolutely nothing to do? I remember those times but they are starting to become part of my long-term memory now instead of the short-term. Lately I have been dreaming of such times in hopes that sooner rather than later I again will have such a peaceful day. OK, enough with the sappy, I WANT A DAY TO DO NOTHING!
OK I am over that now, so this weekend we did not do a lot but we did something. We went over to a couple friend's house Saturday to watch some football and eat but we ended up talking too much, watching no football and eating. Cutler had a great time and his buddy Heather bought him a monkey pillow and blanket that he is completely in love with. He took it to daycare this morning and I should have taken a pic, I promise to insert a pic soon.
We went to church yesterday morning and met our small group at Cracker Barrel for brunch. A couple in our small group has not been able to attend lately due to being on bed rest and in the hospital (she is pregnant) and I received the most wonderful text last night saying that their beautiful daughter had been born at 8:20 pm. we have prayed over this family for so long and are ecstatic about this arrival.
So we had a fairly non-eventful weekend but have a very eventful week ahead. Thursday after work I will be assisting with preparations for the SBA second annual health conference. Friday I will be working the conference mentioned above, and Saturday is drop off for Kids Market.
I am pretty sure there are some of you who have no idea what kids Market is so check back in tomorrow and I will inform you all about it. I might even include some pictures.
Here is a pic of Cutler and I goofing off last night, grainy but it is from the crackberry so what do you expect?
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5 months ago
Oh, man, do I ever miss doing nothing. I JUST posted a nostalgic post about my first house. How I would lay in front of the fireplace and read for hours in my hammock in the living room. What a life, huh?
I cannot even fathom getting to do that nowadays.
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