We all know I absolutely hate to get my feet wet, I mean hate, hate, hate it!
It has been raining for the last few days around here and on Monday I was running late and forgot to put on my trusty rain shoes, therefore my feet were soaked all day. That made for a not so happy Lori and in case you do not know what that looks like I will post a pic later. So yesterday I had to take Cutler to the doctor because he has been super snotty for the last week or so and he woke up and told me he needed to go to the doctor and get a shot. Now we all know an almost 3 year old is not going to ask for a shot unless he feels horrible. Luckily he came out with no shot and a prescription for Singulair (allergies). I had to run to Academy to pick up a gift card that was donated to the SBA golf tournament (yes I know it has come and gone but we will use it next year) and I picked up a pair of rain boots so now I have a pair of rain shoes at home and will keep the rain boots in my truck for those rainy days when my brain forgets to function.
Last night I took the boots off and this is what happened:
you gotta love pics like this!
So wish me luck and say a prayer for me today and tomorrow, we have some publishers in town that are not very happy and I pray things turn out well.
Free Outlander Party Invitations and Printables
5 months ago
I LOVE this picture. Cutler also looks a little like Anthony in this picture.
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