So most of you know I will be turning 30 in a little over a month and I have yet to decide how I will take it. In April I set a goal for myself to lose 60 lbs by October 7, 2008 and now I only have 7 weeks to succeed.
I started out on weight watchers but those meetings were just not for me, we all know I have a short attention span and sitting in a room with a lot of other hungry women for an hour a week is just not for me. I am absolutely not knocking the program, I know it works I lost about 14 lbs in 6 weeks on it and I have many friends who have seen dramatic weigh loss with the assitance of weight watchers. So after I decided I could not bear one more hour of talking about the things I should NOT eat, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Come on, we all know I have a degree in Kinesiology and took more health, wellness, and fitness classes than any one person should so I know exactly what to do, doing it is the problem.
Mid-May I started what I call an On My Own program, I started counting calories and going to the gym for cardio at least 4 times a week and adding a little strength training in here and there. It is now August 20 and I have lost a total of......
get ready for the number......
are you sure you are ready?.........
ok then..........
I have lost a total of 42 lbs and I am so excited because I am doing it slow and the right way. That means I have 7 weeks to get rid of 18 more pounds, seems impossible but I am determined to get it done. If I am a few lbs shy it will not get me down because I am so proud of what I have acocmplished so far. My clothing size has now dropped by three sizes and I am on the verge of moving from the plus size department back to the misses department. I have not worn misses cloths since I was in high school and I can not wait to get back in them........
Now moving on to Cutler
Cutler turns 3 on October 5 and that may be harder to swallow than me turning 30. Last year when he turned 2, I cried all day long, nothing could make me stop crying. I went to work, sat at my desk and worked without talking to a sole and cried ALL DAY LONG! Maybe turning three will not do this to me again. Reservations have been made for his birthday party on October 4 from 11-1 at SportsBlast on Hwy 280 in Birmingham. Cutler has been asking me for the last 6 months when he can start playing soccer, so I decided to enroll him in SportsBlast for his third birthday and let his party be held there with one of their instructors. He has no idea about it and I am not telling him until that day. I can only imagine the look on his face when he finally get to start playing soccer....
Free Outlander Party Invitations and Printables
5 months ago
I am so proud of you! Go Lori, Go Lori! You can do it! I am looking forward to Kids Market. Hope to see you soon!
Kristen Dean
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