In more ways than one!
Seems like the last week or so has flown by, we spent most of the weekend at home working in the yard and washing cars but it still flew by.
A friend of mine who used to run like a maniac, like 7 days a week, has taken a running hiatus for the last few years but decided to start back up again. This friend is NOT me.
I took up running a couple of years ago, but not maniac style, and have recently taken a longer hiatus than I wished for. So, she started running again and has asked me to start up again so we can do a few races here goes. Tonight is the night! I will start the treadmill up and again start the cycle! Part of me is very excited and part of me dreads this worse than bathing suit shopping, which by the way is much less devastating with a TAN. Back to the subject, tonight is the night, running, running like the wind. Or in my case running like a turtle. Let's see how it goes, I plan to get two miles in tonight by alternating running and walking. I am pretty sure I will regret that tomorrow but what the hell! I might even do a few crunches and write out a new diet since I am getting my ass back on the band wagon. Breathing seems to be my biggest obstacle, I need to learn to breathe right without focusing on it the entire time. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. So the band wagon starts tonight, listening to some PINK disco- logy and running, maybe this will inspire me to write in this blog a little more but who knows.
Oh I do have a Cutler update. He started "big boy" school last week and so far he seems to love it, even with a mean ass kid named Reagan in his class. This chick pushed him off a tricycle on his second day, seems she is a little of a bully. Believe it or not, my kid is super passive (unlike his mother) and just lets things roll off his back. BUT, he does tend to bring them up again time and time again as if he is holding a slight grudge (now this is just like his mama). One day, just one day, I hope he becomes a very balanced mix of myself and his father. Passive to a point but a little hot under the collar and not afraid to take up for himself. You know as well as I do that if I was being bullied in 3K, that chick would have no teeth! But luckily my son has no chance of getting kicked out of pre-school due to fighting, his only chance of getting kicked out might just be his mother's mouth!
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5 months ago
Good luck with the running...and I would tell Cutler, he needs to warn Reagan about his MAMA!!!
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