Since I promised to let everyone know what is going on with me way up here in the North here goes. The past two days of class have actually been fun. Did some various icebreakers and opening up activities but it was not too bad. I have made several new friends now from all over. In the class we there are 28 of us. We have 2 guys from Australia, Saudi Arabia, Poland, the UK, and Switzerland. There is also a guy from Russia that is working in the NYC office. Me and Chris the guy from the UK are teamed up on the rental car and he wants to see as much as he can while here so we will be trying to see what we can when we can. This is our only free weekend for at least 2 weeks because we have the SUPER cram for the exam weeks coming up. Basically we have to see about 1000+ powerpoint slides along with learning 2 books worth of information, the books are about 400 pages each so come Monday you guys might not hear much from me.
For the free weekend we are planning to head to Boston for the day tomorrow and try and see as much as we can. Sunday we might head down to Cape Cod or Providence. The biggest problem is figuring out where to go since we will have about 5 weekends that we can do something and that is if we do not have to study too hard after the exam. I will try and post again this weekend with where I have been.
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5 months ago
I am sure it's hard being away from your awesome wife and little boy, but what an awesome sacrifice to provide for your family. Your're a great man and Lindsey and I wish you all the best. God is so good to provide such a cool opportunity when others in this economy are struggling so bad. What a blessing! Have fun up there!!!
I'm so glad to hear you are making new friends and seeing some cool places! Tell me what city you are in again? I might be able to give you some recs on things to see since I had my whirlwind New England vacation last year. :) We flew into Hartford Connecticut, drove through Mass, stayed in Vermont then flew out of Manchester, NH.
The states are so small it's like driving from Birmingham to Huntsville to get through from CT to VT. Easy day trips for sure.
There are lots of pics on my blog under "Things left Unsaid" tag if you want to check them out and see if anything interests you.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Beth I am in Milford. You are right everything is very close around here. I will check out your blog and see if there are any ideas for things to do.
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