In the past few year or so I have reduced our grocery bill dramatically but now it is time for a new challenge. I am challenging myself to a $60 a week budget for all things Walmart, Publix, Target, Walgreens, CVS, and other stores like these. The only thing that will not count are gifts.
Do you think I can do it?
Feed a family of 3 plus two HUGE dogs for under $60 a week?
This will include all personal hygiene items and such as well.
I think I can do it and it starts this week!!!
Free Outlander Party Invitations and Printables
5 months ago
Based on the evidence to date, I know you can do it! Very impressive savings. If I could afford it, I would hire you to save me money. Wait a sec -- that doesn't really make sense. But you know what I mean. :)
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