Tis the holiday season and how do I know this? Well...a few of you had heard me say my calendar looks like someone threw up on it, let's just say a family of little elves have officially thrown up on my calendar!
We headed up to Huntsville yesterday morning bright and early to spend Christmas with my mom, step-dad, step-brother and sister in law who is 37 weeks pregnant. We all had a wonderful time without turning the TV on until the last 30 minutes. The day was long but good times were had by all...well except for one little thing. You know I can't go somewhere without something happening, I got a ticket...wait TWO tickets actually on the way up there. One for speeding and one for not having my drivers license with me. We were in my mom's car and I left my purse in my truck and anyway, who's idea was it to give tickets for not having a little piece of plastic with you. THAT SUCKS!
So now we are home and today we had our last small group meeting of the year and played a little game to see how well we all knew each other, we have been together for almost a year and surprisingly we don't know each other very well at all, heheh!
Tomorrow I am scheduled for surgery at 12:30, nothing major in and out, Wednesday we are heading to grandma's for Christmas with my mom's side of the family. Wednesday night my dad and step mom will come to our house and help us bake cookies for Santa and drink hot chocolate. We will get up Thursday morning and spend the morning with them, and head out to Anthony's mom's house that evening for a sure to be eventful evening. You guys might want to start praying now that I don't 1.) cuss his mother out for doing something absolutely stupid or 2.) punch his step-dad in the face for undressing me with his eyes. Finally we will return home to sleep and leave early Friday morning heading to my Honey's house ( for those of you who don't know who Honey is, this is my dad's dad and I have always called him this). They live on the northern edge of Georgia on the North Carolina line. We will stay there through Monday morning spending time with my uncles and aunts that I rarely get to see. Monday morning we will be heading west to Murfreesboro, Tn. We plan to spend about a week with our great friends, Megan and Jason, and Katie and George. I am pretty sure Cutler will be spending most of his time with his little buddy George Alex. So prayers are welcome as we start this adventurous journey through the holiday season.
Oh yeah, Anthony received a call from a company he really wants to work for, they told him he got the job but they are waiting on their finance committee before they can give him an official offer. Should happen around the first of the year but it sure was nice to get that news prior to the holidays!
Peace and love to all of you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Remember what CHRISTmas is all about and make sure your children know as well!
Free Outlander Party Invitations and Printables
5 months ago
Wishing you all the best this CHRISTmas season!
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