Anthony and I hosted a Christmas party for those who work for me in the US and their spouses this past Friday night. It was wonderful, everyone ate, played dirty Santa, and overall had great time. One thing happened that I will never forget. One of my employees, Lori yes spelled the same and we even have the same middle name, boyfriend brought his guitar. After everyone else left he sat on the couch in the living room with nothing but the light of the Christmas tree and played and sand some hank, David Allen Cove, Eagles and more. I started to get homesick so quick that I actually teared up but decided it was not a good thing to cry in front of them. Sitting around at night, singing those songs, drinking beer 9which we did not this time) reminds me so much of all the fun I always had in good old Selma, Alabama. I wish things were still as simple as they were when I lived there, part of that was the age I was and the other part is the simple fact that things just move at a much slower pace in Selma, Alabama. Everyone has people over in the summer for cookouts and playing in the pool, or they all go to the river. In the winter everyone hunts and the family gets together after the sun has set to hang out, eat, drink beer, and listen or play those awesome country songs. Somehow, someway I am going to make my life simple again, no more go go go...well I did say someday, don't think that will happen today!
Here is a pic of some of my staff members at the party:

The staff also posed this morning for a pic to send to my staff in the other countries:

Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as Anthony is still on the job hunt. Good things are coming I know, he has had a few great interviews that we are waiting to hear back on now.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." ~~~Hebrews 11:1