Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Turning 30

I finally did it, I turned 30. No idea what all the fuss is about either. I am fine with and really looking forward to what is ahead in life. I had a great 30th birthday, too! This week is customer service week nationwide and I am organizing the festivities within my office (well, I am the customer service manager so I guess it is part of my job description or something). We have played BINGO, had "happy hour", taken personality tests and worn items that reflected this. And on yesterday, my birthday, we had a decorate your cube contest. My cube (office) was "the destruction zone of my twenties," I had a blast doing it and everyone was so nice all day. I got home and Anthony had a new Ipod and cake for me. We went out to eat and started packing for our camping trip this weekend. The girls at work did let me take a few pictures of them so here they are.

Personality test...
Destruction Zone...
So, this thirty thing, I thought I was going to cry all day and absolutely flip out about being 30, but I didn't, I realized that I am in a great place in life and I can't wait to see what is in store for the next 30 years. People say your 30's are the best years of your life...if that is so these next few years are going to be awesome because I have already had some truly awesome years prior to now. I guess I am saying I worked myself up over nothing at all, I anticipated the worst and it was nothing more than a dud. Check out the pics on my Picasa web, the link is on the left hand side of the page, for more pics of Cutler's bday and soon to be pics of my bday as well.


Beth @ UnskinnyBoppy said...

Oh my goodness, how did I forget this?!?


Guess you won't be needing my old expired drivers licenses to use as fake id's anymore, eh?


Love you girl!