Cutler started T-ball the week after his daddy left for Boston and we just had our final game this past Tuesday. It went so well! Cutler is very good and loves playing! Here are a few pics from the game:Enjoy!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Posted by Anthony, Lori and Cutler Turner at 12:25 PM 1 comments
Labels: Cutler
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Almost Home
Well I know I have not updated the blog in a while with what I have been doing up here in Boston. The fun and games are almost over. Last night we went to Fire and Ice for dinner and then to see the Blue Man group. I have to say it was a fun night. It is not often that you can bring together a group of 31 guys all from different backgrounds and cultures and still be able to have a good time and everyone gets along. I think I have stories to tell for months now on what has either happened around me or with guys in the group.
I fly home Saturday and I cannot wait for it to get here. It has been nice to make new friends and on one hand I hate to leave the guys but I miss my family, home, and friends. It will take a little adjustment to get back into the swing of things once I get home but like I said I cannot wait. I am almost to the point of counting down the hours and not just the days.
Well I am about to go to class and try to stay awake after a night on the town. I hope everyone has a Happy Wednesday and I look forward to seeing everyone once I get back.
Posted by Anthony, Lori and Cutler Turner at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
A hell of a storm and bowling
Well today we had plans to spend the afternoon at my friend Meredith's house letting the kiddos run around outside for a while. We started off by meeting at TGIFriday's for lunch and it just went downhill from there. Lunch was fine and the kids acted so well we decided to splurge for icecream. Meredith and I made a deal with each other that if we both ordered the brownie a la mode that we would start phase 1 of the South Beach Diet together tomorrow. So here we go. South Beach Diet here we come! Have you ever read what you have to eat on that damn thing for two weeks? Eggs for breakfast everyday it seems, and I am not a huge fan of eggs. but I thought two weeks, who can't do this for two weeks so yep, you guessed it, I got the brownie and man it was good. So we were finishing up the dessert when the manager started herding everyone into the kitchen as he was told a tornado was coming our way. So Meredith and I rushed all 4 kids, who were covered in sticky ice cream, into the TGIFriday's kitchen. Now I thought, oh this can't take long and it won't be so bad. WRONG...there were about 200 people in that damn kitchen for an hour!

Posted by Anthony, Lori and Cutler Turner at 5:52 PM 1 comments